Marquee Sports Network partners with Weather Applied Metrics

It’s been said time and time again, Wrigley Field can be a hitter’s park or a pitcher’s park.
It all depends on the wind.
Until now, it’s been hard quantifying the exact effects the winds play in historic Wrigley Field. Marquee Sports Network has partnered with Weather Applied Metrics to provide fans with computer simulations to calculate how the wind changes at Wrigley Field affect the distance and direction of fly balls.
Weather Applied Metrics has weather sensors that measure the wind flow as it enters Wrigley Field, over the stadium. That information is fed into Weather Applied Metrics’ computer simulations, which illustrate a high-resolution, 3-D wind field within the stadium. Using their trajectory models, they calculate the cumulative impact of this 3-D wind field over the entire flight of the ball.
Through this, Weather Applied Metrics tells us how many feet were added or taken away from a fly ball and how many feet the wind deflects the fly ball to the left or right.
Take for example, this Willson Contreras home run from Wednesday night’s exhibition game against the Twins. The wind added roughly 15 feet to the ball’s flight. Had there been no wind at Wrigley Field that night, the ball would have landed on the warning track.
Weather Applied Metrics continuously updates and predicts how the winds are affecting and will impact an average fly ball. Here’s an example of how it looks during Wednesday night’s game.
With this new technology, we’ll be able to track how the wind affects the games all season.